AAC News, Community Education News, FEATURED News

AAC Helps Sponsor the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

February 6, 2015

The Art Academy of Cincinnati and the AAC Community Education Department are proud to be site sponsors of the this years Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Since 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards has grown to be the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition initiative for creative teens and the largest source of scholarships for young artists and writers.

Thanks to the hard work of Art Machine Inc., the Art Academy of Cincinnati and sponsorship from Summerfair Cincinnati teens grades 7-12, in the Northern Kentucky, Southeastern Indiana and Greater Cincinnati region submitted 4,000 pieces to be juried for this years exhibition.

Other than being a venue, several Art Academy faculty and staff judged this years submissions. Past national jurors have included Ohio native and partner of Pentagram design firm Michael Bierut, Judy Blume, Robert Frost, and David Sedaris. Jurors look for works that exemplify the Awards’ core values: originality, technical skill, and the emergence of personal voice or vision. Honorees receive opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and college scholarship.


Several Art Academy students and alumni have received such awards along with Community Education Instructor Ken Burns. Since its founding, the Awards have established an amazing track record for identifying the early promise of our nation’s most accomplished and prolific creative leaders. Notable alumni include artists Andy Warhol, Philip Pearlstein, and Cy Twombly.

Can’t make it to this years awards? Explore the interactive timeline to learn more about the Awards, alumni, and jurors. View archival films and documents and see original Award-winning work by some of our notable alumni!






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