Students will learn about industry standards, the practical steps of creating films, the methods and aesthetics that make a film successful, and how to properly edit using video-editing programs. This class will study the most powerful scenes in cinema and discuss what techniques and elements were used such as long shots, panning, tilt, zoom, tracking shot, and others. Students will then be tasked to create an idea for a short video, plan it by considering both logistics and art direction, film the video, and then edit it.
Students interested in this course are encouraged to consider also enrolling in Teen Academy: Screenwriting and Directing.
This course is only for teenagers, ages 13-18.
Required Materials: A journal, a writing utensil of your choice, and a flash drive (at least 32 gigabytes). Computers and camera equipment will be provided. If you have a camera and/or equipment you are familiar with and would like to use, talk with your instructor on the first day about possibly bringing it to the following sessions.