
Magical Paragons vs. Ominous Stygian Doom

May 1 – 5, 2023
Art Academy of Cincinnati | All Galleries
Hand-drawn text that says "Magical Paragons vs Ominous Stygian Doom" on a textured purple background

Magical Paragons vs. Ominous Stygian Doom

Group Thesis Exhibition

May 1—5, 2023

Pearlman, McClure, and Chidlaw Galleries

Closing Reception: Friday, May 5, 2023, 5—8pm

Please join us for the Senior Thesis exhibition Magical Paragons vs. Ominous Stygian Doom, a group show featuring capstone projects created by 5 students preparing to graduate from AAC. 

This exhibition features the work of:

Dominique Braxton
Daniel Dorney
Nina Wesley
Jaden Johnson
Abubakar Bawo

Gallery Hours:
Monday through Friday 9am—9pm

Gallery admission and reception are free and open to the public

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