Spring Portfolio Workshops
Want tips on how to build your portfolio for a college of fine art, design, and creative writing?
Join the Art Academy of Cincinnati for a portfolio workshop, Saturday, February 4th 2023 via Zoom or on campus, March 18th 2023! Both will be from 11am-2pm and include tricks and tips for constructing your strongest portfolio possible, as well as the opportunity for reviews with our admissions team. These skills will help students as they prepare their applications for college and beyond.
In addition, students will get a chance to hear from an Art Academy professor about their practice.
In this presentation, we will examine the following three components that should be thought of when assembling a portfolio:
1) Formal and Technical Skills
We’ll look at the tools that you use to create your work: be it paint, clay, pencils, digital tools, written language, etc. We will discuss ways that you can always improve the elements and principles that go into making art.
2) The Artistic Process
We’ll discuss how you record your ideas: be it in a sketchbook, in a blog, on social media, etc. An examination of the artistic process is always a helpful factor to consider when assembling a portfolio.
3) Content Development
What’s the concept? Developing new work can seem daunting, but we’ll discuss best practices that will help you learn how to invest in your richest ideas. We’ll also explore the balance between pushing your concepts to the forefront of your work while finding harmony with your skills and processes.
Please be prepared to present your work digitally if you attend in February, whether you are sharing your screen or sending us your website.
Join us by RSVPing clicking here or emailing admissions@artacademy.edu