
Queerspace Gallery Show

May 26 – June 11, 2023
Art Academy of Cincinnati | Pearlman Gallery
A.A.C. smiley face logo with rainbow background

Join us for our annual AAC Queerspace Art Gallery! We strive to uplift our students in the LGBTQ+ community and to create a sense of belonging they might not feel elsewhere. Our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community members will be featured in the Pearlman Gallery at AAC from May 26 to June 11. If you’re interested in submitting work, please fill out the form linked below by May 22! 

color-coded calendar indicating when important dates are for our show. May 13 to May 22 is art drop off; May 23 to May 25 install of the show; May 26 to June 11 the show is open to the public; June 11 is the closing reception; uninstall and art pick up is June 12 to June 16.

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