Teen Academy: Screenwriting and Art Directing

Art Academy of Cincinnati
Write your own script and enhance your storytelling with impactful art direction!
Instructor and two students around a table talking about their writing

This dynamic course combines visual art and creative writing in a hands-on way! Students will first study and discuss the cinematography, color story, and impactful dialogue in renowned films and TV shows. Then, they will produce an idea and write a script for a short video. Students will consider which elements and principles of art would best support their story. At the end of the course, students will create a mood board to accompany their script when presenting their story, just as a screenwriter would do in the film business. This course would be perfect for teens who are interested in art direction, filmmaking, creative direction, screenwriting, content creation, and other forms of storytelling. 

Students interested in this course are encouraged to consider also enrolling in Teen Academy: Film Making and Editing.

This course is only for teenagers, ages 13-18.

Required Materials: A journal and writing utensil of your choice. Computers and other materials will be provided. If you have a personal device you like to type on, you may bring it with you.

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January 25th, 2023

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